miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2007

Light up your soul at Xmas

So, I told you about the Christmas Tree this year which is fill up with positive feelings and attitudes...
Of course, I wish you Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2008 and that all those positive feelings and attitudes light up your soul now and forever.
Marc told me last year not to worry about the projects. So I'll do that, I am having Christmas dinner today with the rest of the teacher staff and tomorrow is your time to show off about your English with your own campaign!!
Just remind you that there will be a Reading Exam with some related questions and others mainly from lesson 1 and 2, the 9th January, on the first class we'll meet.

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jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2007


The two new entrances "The tutor blog" and "Scaffolding" are meant to publish the reflection I hope you understand once and for all. I am the tutor of your learning and my style means to be Democratic , if possible, but directive.
I accept suggestions to improve your learning of English but not to spend time uselessly, without track or sense, we have watched a film and we will see Dr. Jeckill and Mr. Hyde one.
Today, we will go on with the Project about a campaign:

1st step- you choose the goal's campaign and make a leaflet, see example on this blog, make a comment on the corresponding post with your leaflet draft.
2nd step- I'll tell you in class, I have to go now.

miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2007

domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2007

Grammar webpages can help you!

Hi, we will do the exam we could not do last 5th December for the whole class, for everybody and I will let you know the results, however, the English Department Staff insists on the fact that you already have many opportunities to pass the course. Two terms left and as the English subject is accumulative, you must pass the last term.
Anyway, here is an extra exercise you can do about Gerund or infinitive? on http://www.xtec.cat/formaciotic/dvdformacio/materials/tdsla/dsllm2/fitxes/dsllm2p5ftx.htm
and some useful grammar online:



Have a look!

sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2007

Change of plans for next Wed. 5th

As you know things has changed this week and the exam for next Wed. 5th will be for those that:

- have a term mark of 4
- have handed out the 5 compositions by Tuesday the 4th + the workbook done till lesson 2.
- have all class absences justified

If you do not meet the previous conditions, you will not be allowed to sit for the exam.
Please do not hesitate to talk to me if you have any doubt.

sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2007


Hi everybody!
I know 2nd year of "Batxillerat" is a stressful course but that's life when you want something. For the ones that plan to update:

Compulsory compositions, using 150 words, 3 paragraphs at least:
  1. Description of yourself
  2. Writing a biography of someone you admire, famous or not
  3. An opinion composition about: What do you think is the most important technological advance of the last 50 years? How has it affected your life? What is your attitude to recycling?
  4. An article about hijacking, kipnapping or terrorrism
  5. A composition on: What are the main problems people your age have
Then, workbook until page 21 at least for next Wednesday 28th. Exam reviewing lesson 1 and 2 next 5th December on the "tutoria" hour!!
Keep working and do not panic!!
c u

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2007

Exam correction

OK, hoggy-doggy. We will correct the exam slowly next Friday 19th! But please continue working on the copies I gave you of verb tenses.

See you


Developers (l.14) bricklayers, builders,...
turn up (l.18) pop up, show up ...no need to book
packed (l.20) full of people, the rush hour

Next week compulsory composition:

What do you think is the most important technological advance of the last 50 years? How has it affected your life? What is your attitude to recycling?

Bye bye

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2007

vocabulary review

Hi, I think we forgot to correct exercices 4, and 5 from the text "Coconut Island" as well as the Revision section from the workbook. We will do it next week as well as the text from lesson 1 Technology. Remember to do your homework and write a composition every week at least!!

Start or continue reading the Skyjack Oxford Reader Book.

Have a nice bank holiday!!

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2007

Margarita's holidays

So, here it is the website I wanted to show you http://poesopa.blogspot.com/2007/09/la-rumbita-de-margarita.html because Margartita's web page doesn't show it (http://margarita.dyndns.org), do not know why.
What about your holidays, what kind of holidays did you have? What did you do?

Another optional composition:

1.- Talk about this year's holiday
2.- Compare this year's holiday with last year's one.
3.- Talk about your ideal holidays.
4.- Write an opinion essay about adventure holidays, advantages and desadvantages.

Remember to use the vocabulary learnt in class. Do not waste your time, work and enjoy doing it!!
Have a nice weekend!!

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2007

New agreements and optional compositions

We have agreed in writ¡ng about

1st Write about something that happened to you that was important, painful or cheerful

Tomorrow we finish correcting page 5 from your student's book. We are going a bit slow though, however, remember to work at your own pace, doing the exercices from the workbook. I will provide you the answer key one of these days, so you can correct them in class.

If any of you is interested in the audio CD of the adapted reader Skyjack, please let me know. I can lend it to you.

Bye, have a nice day!

martes, 2 de octubre de 2007

Real women have curves

Hello and welcome to my blog to my dear "2nd Batxillerat" students. The thing is, I think you can collaborate and help me updating this blog and make it useful for you.

My email, nevertheless, is profangles@gmail.com and you can send your compositions there too. Remember:

1st compulsory composition: about yourselves
2nd " " : about someone you admire, therefore he/she is important and inspirational to you.

Optional so far:
1st sequel or prequel of the film Real Women Have Curves
2nd Immigration in LA- USA. Compare it to immigration in Spain
3rd Write a phone dialogue between Anna from NY and Doña Carmen from LA or Anna's first letter to her family from NY
4th Advantages and disadvantages of having strict/liberal parents
5th An opinion essay about "the Generation Gap"

So far so good, I hope!

martes, 31 de julio de 2007

I got it!!!

Well, that's me, No.150 out of 299 new state worker English teachers!! I am very happy now. It has taken me some time to fully believe it. I knew I deserve it though and the people who surround me too, of course. Thanks to them and this is not the end. I really hope to keep in touch with all of them and myself and continue developing myself in many ways, as an English teacher and as a person. Don't forget to keep an eye on me anyway! Thanks a million. Isabel

lunes, 16 de julio de 2007

Opos 2007

Here I am... walking in the middle with you...
So, I passed the "oposicions 2007" stage and hopefully the "concurs 2007" one. Eventually!! My mark is just a 5.575 but hopefully my "mèrits", 9 out of 10, will be enough to take a post. We will see, qué será, será, whatever will be, will be, qué será, qué será...
Thanks to all the people that has given me a hand!! And...

lunes, 2 de julio de 2007

Margarita and myself. Margarita is... a daisy, daisy, give me your answer do, I'm half crazy, just for the love of you,...
She will be three in September!!
Sometimes, I call her Maggie. My students and many other people prefer that name. I just care for her... so it doesn't really matter.
What do you think of her?

Me!, in NY last Easter!! The Empire State at my back!!
Hello, my friends and myself on the right side and the guy at the rightest side is the nerd of my husband Luis, then me, Isabel, then Ana, Albert, Carles and Maika

Hello to the blogesphere again

I am very excited about this course.
Although i live with a Nerd, of he calls himself a Geek or something like that, as we say in Spanish "en casa del herrero, cuchillo de palo". Antonia says "cuchara de palo", meaning that I have to slash my husband's hand but it is even worse as he does not give me the opportunity.

Thanks though to my colleagues and my good "attitude" I am learning bit by bit.

Hello, to the wilderness!!


jueves, 22 de marzo de 2007

Resposta comentaris 22/03/07

Avui, el Bryan i el Jordy han hagut de posar-se al dia perquè l'altre dia van haver de sortir de classe i al Bryan l'hi ha donat temps a fer el comentari però al Jordy no.
L'Ana no va venir l'altre dia i farà els deures a casa (si vols canviar-te de crèdit ho has de demanar ja!!).
La resta ha pogut entrar al blog i fer el comentari menos la Butaina que no m'ha escoltat quan li he dit que m'avisès quan acabès el seu comentari per poder penjar-lo. Butaina escolta'm si us plau!!
A tots us he de dir, com a la Butaina, que m'escolteu i si teniu necessitat d'obrir altres pàgines web ho feu però el què jo us mano s'ha de fer.
Ara, heu de fer la portada del crèdit "Learning vocabulary is fun" amb name, school, teacher and date. I començar l'Index que en English és Table of Contents, primer contingut Family i heu de tenir tots 4 fulls, inclòs el vostre Family Tree, OK?
Doncs, ha treballar!!

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2007

Wellcome to "Learning vocabulary is easy"

Bé, aquí podrem parlar en catalanglish, OK? Us vull donar la benvinguda al crèdit i m'agradaria que fessiu algun comentari després de les primeres dues sessions.
Si heu agafat la idea del crèdit és tracta de fer unes activitats per repassar i millorar el vocabulari bàsic de primer i segon de l'ESO. Hi hauràn activitats en ordinador però hi han unes normes:
1- Farem activitats a l'ordinador els dies que disposem del laboratori d'idiomes i després de fer com a mínim dos fulls d'activitats en paper.
2- Aquesta norma és la que vam aplicar al crèdit variable del segon trimestre perquè al primer trimestre no funcionàven els ordinadors.
3- Les normes bàsiques del centre les heu de complir (per insultar-vos us puc amonestar) però per a que vagi millor la meva classe jo també poso noves regles. Així doncs, us vaig dir que per al vostre grup hi ha una nova norma, faràn servir l'ordinador els qui no s'insultin.

Perquè ho feu? Ara formeu un nou grup de treball perquè us doneu a conèixer insultant-vos? Perquè no hi intenteu crear un bon ambient de treball?

Espero els vostres comentaris. Benvinguts again!! And remember: respect!, please.

Acomiadament "fallido"

Well, la idea era fer comentaris més sovint però m'ha costat descobrir com funciona això. De fet, vaig intentar fer una entrada al dia següent d'obrir el blog per a que s'acomiadessin els meus alumnes del Crèdit Variable "Learning vocabulary is easy" i el que faig fer és obrir un altre blog a una alumne.
La meva intenció és que tots fessin un comentari al meu blog i diguessin que tal els hi havia anat el crèdit. Però només la Guislam va fer-ho i després no sabíem com desar-ho. Anyway, si voleu veure el seu comentari la seva blog és http://guislam.blogspot.com.

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2007

El meu primer post

Bé, aquí començo una nova experència... La idea és que connectin també els meus alumnes i penjin els seus projects en multimèdia.

I animar-me a fer posts de tant en tant, je.je.

Suggerir algunes pàgines interesants, and so on.