miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2007

Exam correction

OK, hoggy-doggy. We will correct the exam slowly next Friday 19th! But please continue working on the copies I gave you of verb tenses.

See you


Developers (l.14) bricklayers, builders,...
turn up (l.18) pop up, show up ...no need to book
packed (l.20) full of people, the rush hour

Next week compulsory composition:

What do you think is the most important technological advance of the last 50 years? How has it affected your life? What is your attitude to recycling?

Bye bye

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2007

vocabulary review

Hi, I think we forgot to correct exercices 4, and 5 from the text "Coconut Island" as well as the Revision section from the workbook. We will do it next week as well as the text from lesson 1 Technology. Remember to do your homework and write a composition every week at least!!

Start or continue reading the Skyjack Oxford Reader Book.

Have a nice bank holiday!!

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2007

Margarita's holidays

So, here it is the website I wanted to show you http://poesopa.blogspot.com/2007/09/la-rumbita-de-margarita.html because Margartita's web page doesn't show it (http://margarita.dyndns.org), do not know why.
What about your holidays, what kind of holidays did you have? What did you do?

Another optional composition:

1.- Talk about this year's holiday
2.- Compare this year's holiday with last year's one.
3.- Talk about your ideal holidays.
4.- Write an opinion essay about adventure holidays, advantages and desadvantages.

Remember to use the vocabulary learnt in class. Do not waste your time, work and enjoy doing it!!
Have a nice weekend!!

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2007

New agreements and optional compositions

We have agreed in writ¡ng about

1st Write about something that happened to you that was important, painful or cheerful

Tomorrow we finish correcting page 5 from your student's book. We are going a bit slow though, however, remember to work at your own pace, doing the exercices from the workbook. I will provide you the answer key one of these days, so you can correct them in class.

If any of you is interested in the audio CD of the adapted reader Skyjack, please let me know. I can lend it to you.

Bye, have a nice day!

martes, 2 de octubre de 2007

Real women have curves

Hello and welcome to my blog to my dear "2nd Batxillerat" students. The thing is, I think you can collaborate and help me updating this blog and make it useful for you.

My email, nevertheless, is profangles@gmail.com and you can send your compositions there too. Remember:

1st compulsory composition: about yourselves
2nd " " : about someone you admire, therefore he/she is important and inspirational to you.

Optional so far:
1st sequel or prequel of the film Real Women Have Curves
2nd Immigration in LA- USA. Compare it to immigration in Spain
3rd Write a phone dialogue between Anna from NY and Doña Carmen from LA or Anna's first letter to her family from NY
4th Advantages and disadvantages of having strict/liberal parents
5th An opinion essay about "the Generation Gap"

So far so good, I hope!