martes, 2 de octubre de 2007

Real women have curves

Hello and welcome to my blog to my dear "2nd Batxillerat" students. The thing is, I think you can collaborate and help me updating this blog and make it useful for you.

My email, nevertheless, is and you can send your compositions there too. Remember:

1st compulsory composition: about yourselves
2nd " " : about someone you admire, therefore he/she is important and inspirational to you.

Optional so far:
1st sequel or prequel of the film Real Women Have Curves
2nd Immigration in LA- USA. Compare it to immigration in Spain
3rd Write a phone dialogue between Anna from NY and Doña Carmen from LA or Anna's first letter to her family from NY
4th Advantages and disadvantages of having strict/liberal parents
5th An opinion essay about "the Generation Gap"

So far so good, I hope!

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