miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008

1st ESO A, B, C- Project Work

A TYPICAL DAY IN IES JOANOT MARTORELL 1r ESO Project 1 (Unit 2) Date________2008

Team members 1.-________________ 3.-___________________
2.-__________________ 4.-________________ CLASS ___________

OBJECTIVES: Team work to make an oral presentation about your daily routine over here, in your High School Joanot Martorell.
Objectius: Treballar en grup per fer una presentació oral sobre el tema de la unitat 2, un dia, però vostre, del que feu a l’institut.


You and your team are going to gather information about the theme of the project to do it. After doing your project, will share your information and finally decide who is the best project.

Heu de recollir informació sobre el tema del projecte per fer-ho. Després, compartirem la informació i finalment decidirem quin és el millor treball.

The teacher will assign you to a team or you will do it but remember it should be a cooperative team (mixed-ability group, respect guaranteed, as balanced as possible and so on):

El professor us asignarà a un equip o el fareu però recordant què heu de cooperar (Respectuosament, respectant les habilitats de la resta, tothom ha de participar, etc.):

Passos o llista a seguir:

1.-Choose your day in school 
Tria un dia a l’escola
2.-Name your team and decide the role played by each member (use your imagination)
Posa nom a l’equip i decideix el role que desenvoluparà cadascú (fes servir la teva imaginació) 
Team responsible responsable d'Equip
Poster responsible responsible de portar el poster
Title maker qui fa el rètol
Content creator qui escriu el contingut
Drawer or designer of poster display qui dibuixa o enganxa les fotos

3.-Do your research, search also in the internet. On-line dictionary www.wordreference.com Example: Search separately or together for this information question:

Short Description of a typical school day, timatable, subjects and
Petita descripció d'un dia típic a l'institut, horari, assignatures i professors.
Other interesting facts about Esplugues surroundings, where you meet, how you get to the school,...
informació interessant sobre els voltants d'Esplugues, on quedeu, com veniu caminant,..
Photo descriptions (petites descripcions de les fotos o dibuixos)

4.-Decide which data each member will be responsible for at the oral presentation (Keep in mind that you will need to convince your classmates why they should choose him/her)

Heu de decidir quina informació, el què dirà cadascú del poster sobre un dia al IES Joanot (Penseu que heu de convencer als vostres companys que el vostre treball és el millor en anglès) 

5.-Design a poster using the information

Fer el poster, intentar que sigui original, amb els vostres dibuixos i fotos. Mireu full d'avaluació del treball.

6.-Practice how you will present your data to the rest of the class (Remember to use a clear, loud voice, make eye contact with your audience and so on)

Practicar, assatjar sobre com el presentareu a la resta de la classe (Recordar de fer servir una veu clara, audible, mirar als ulls, memoritzar, etc) 

7.- Evaluation: hand in all your work for evaluation and send the self-evaluation sheet by attaching a document to the blog www.profangles.blogspot.com
The poster and your oral presentation will be evaluated by your classmates. The teacher will also evaluate your project using a form and you might also have to take an exam on the subject.
L'avaluació: entregueu tot i feu el full d'autoevaluació o comentari al meu blog. El poster i la presentació oral seràn avaluats pels vostres companys. El professor també ho avaluarà I pot ser fareu un exàmen sobre aquest tema més tard. 

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008

CV- We like what we are like!

Scene II

The wizard: Hello, my little ones! How are you?
You look a little sad today.
Mary: Who are you?
The wizard: I'm a wizard...
John: A wizard!
The wizard: That's right, I'm a wizard and you? Who are you?
Paul: I'm Paul and these are Mary, Claire and John.
The cat: Paul, Mary, Claire and John (meowing)
The wizard: And why are you so sad?
The cat: Why? Why? (meowing)

The wizard: What are you doing over there? Come on, dance and play...
Claire: We can't!
Paul: I've got a face like a pizza.
The cat: Wow, a pizza!
Mary: And I'm too fat.
John: And me, look at my nose. I look like Pinocchio.
The cat: Pinocchio! Pinocchio! (meowing)Gosh!

The wizard: But I can help you, I can cast a spell.
Claire: A spell! Can you really help us? How?
The wizard: Take it easy. I can help you, but you must work for me.
Mary: Work for you, but how? What do we have to do?
The cat: Wait and see...!

The wizard: You do the cooking. You do the housework. You do the shopping and you look after my cat.
The cat: Help! Help!
The wizard: Do you agree?
All: YES!!!
The wizard: But, there is one condition: if you stop working the spell will be broken. OK?
All: OK!!
The wizard: ALAKAZAM
The cat: Wow!
Mary: Brilliant!
Paul: Fantastic!
Claire: Fabolous!
John: Excellent!

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2008

The show of Truman

Today, we have finished watching the film. Please, write your comment with your opinion and what Che Kebara said "I'd rather die in freedom than live kneeling"

And now, let's talk about the Change, Obama, and before him, Marther Luther King's speech "I have a dream..."

Watch this video:


lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2008

2nd ESO B- Project Work

A revert or updated Shakira, Marylin Manson or any other !! 2nd ESO Project
(Unit 2) 2008

Team members 1.-___________ 2.-_____________3.-____________
4.-___________ 5.-_____________ 6.-________ CLASS 2nd ESO B

OBJECTIVE: Team work to make an oral presentation about a revert or Shakira, Marylin Manson or any other!!


Image you are an expert in hair style, in fashion a real style spotter, trend spotter and Make-up artist. You and your team are going to gather information about a Celebrity or famous singer amd make him/her undergo a transformation.

After doing your project, you are going to take part in an international meeting. You will share your information and finally decide who is the best transformed or revert one.

The teacher will assign you to a team or you will do it but remember it should be a cooperative team (mixed-ability group, respect guaranteed, as balanced as possible and so on):


1.-Choose your celebrity or famous person 
2.-Name your team and decide the role played by each member (use your imagination) 
Hair stylist, beautician, make-up artist, trend spotter...
Designer (responsible for the design of the poster or multimedia presentation)
Photographer (responsible for nice and original pictures)
Journalist (responsible for interesting information)
3.-Do your research, search also in the internet. Example: Search separetely or together for this information question:
Short Description with some interesting facts about him/her (Why is he/she famous? What is he/she like? physical features?)
Short Description with some interesting facts about the past (Did you know...,)
Other interesting facts (What are the most famous people like?)
Advantages and disadvantages 

4.-Decide which data each member will be responsible for at the oral presentation (Keep in mind that you will need to convince your classmates why they should choose him/her) 
5.-Design a poster of a multimedia presentation using the information 
6.-Practice how you will present your data to the rest of the class (Remember to use a clear, loud voice, make eye contact with your audience and so on) 
7.- Evaluation: hand in all your work for evaluation and send the self-evaluation sheet by attaching a document to the blog www.profangles.blogspot.com 

Multimedia display or poster, and your oral presentation will be evaluated by your classmates. Make sure you have completed the checklist.
The teacher will also evaluate your project using a form and you might also have to take an exam on the subject.

Any suggestion or comment write here please.

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008

CV Theatre- We like what we are like

We have to learn by heart Scene I.
Paul: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,...Nine spots! Oh no. How horrible! I'm awful!
Mary: What are you doing?
Paul: I'm counting my spots. I'm awful. Girls don't like me... I've got too many spots!
Mary: Ha. You think you've got problems. Look at me. I'm fat. I'm enormous. Peter doesn't want to dance with me. He says I dance like a hippo.

John:Hi. How's it going?
Mary: Awful!
Paul: Really bad.
John: Why? What's the matter?
Paul:I'm covered in spots. I've got a face like a pizza!
Mary: And me, I'm too fat. I look horrible!
Paul: Horrible, why?
John: Have you seen my nose?
Mary: What's wrng with your nose?
John: It's too long. i love Margaret, but she laughs at me. And I love her, I really do.

Paul: I love you margaret!
Mary: My little pinocchio, I love you too.
John: Idiots!

Claire: Hi. What are you talking about?
Paul: Nothing.
Claire: You don't look very happy. What's the matter?
John: We've got a lot of problems
Claire: Well, tell me about them.
Paul: Just look at me.
Mary: Well yes, your face looks like a pizza..
Paul: Stop it! It's not funny!
Claire: OK, OK, but your problems are not as big as mine. My problem is for life.
John: For life?
Claire: Yes, for life. Just take a look at my ears. They are...wings. i can fly...

Mary: Stop fooling about! You can always hide your ears under your cap.
Here you are! Catch the cap!
Paul: Over here, over here.
Mary: Ha, ha!
Claire: You are all stupid. Nobody loves me... I hate you all.

Scene II Next week.

Descargar PowerPoint

domingo, 1 de junio de 2008

Acknowledgement to my 3rd CV 4rt 07-08

Here you have the version we have got till now Mystery in the middle ages

We do not have time to finish it and perform it but I think we have enjoyed it, haven't you?
Leave a comment.

It's been a pleasure!!

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2008


Well, this is a message for my dear students of 4rt ESO, specially for the blogger ones,... I hope you have a wonderful trip to Italy!!

I am sure you will though,...

See you!

jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure

Let's have a look again at PAU formats. I have just modified the date.Nonetheless, I wrote this post last October.

A quotation from Samuel Johnson in 1799.

Have a look at the following pdf document (writing) and page 25 for organising paragraphs structure (a composition is usually made of "3" paragraphs, an opening one, the body and the concluding paragraphs which refer to the first one, though of course there are others, such as: look p.106, opinion or for and against ones, long narratives, letters, (complain, enquire, invitation, ....) messages (phone, etc), reviews, reports, adverts, recipes, instructions, applications, CV, diaries, speeches, summaries, article (situation- problem-solution-opinion structure) and so on... Free and creative styles are welcome to me, a bit risky in the Selectivitat.

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008

PAU Tests every Thursday!!

Hi, so as I told you the PAU test results will count a 15% of the term mark, the 15% devoted to the reader exam on the previous terms.
So, do not be surprised, be ready and relaxed. It is for you to get used and when the time comes you will hopefully be used and therefore, ready and relaxed.

Don't worry, be happy, too, too, tururururu, tururu!!

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2008

Easter and the conditionals

Hi everybody,

I told you that there will be an exam on the 27th about lesson 4 mostly on the conditionals!! Remember that and have a happy Easter too.

All the best!

P.S. Did you celebrate St. Patrick's Day, 17th March?

martes, 26 de febrero de 2008

What about Berlin?

Well, hope you are having a great time over there and come back with charged batteries please!!

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2008

So far, so good

OK. So , next exam will be on the 22nd February 2008, on lesson 3 plus the Future tenses from lesson 2. Next week, workbook correction of lesson 3 then. We are a bit behind, so we have to catch up. The exam for lesson 4 will be before Easter then and the workbook correction too.

So far, regarding compositions:

1st An article on Global Warming
2nd Opinion Essay on "Even the worst criminal has some good in him"
3rd Opinion Essay on "Will our life improve due to genetic research?"
4th Compositon on "Trip to Berlin"

Optional work:

1st Differences between Dr.Jekyll's film and the reader book.
2nd Questions from the back of the reader.
3rd page 36 Why do you think TV programmes about crime are so popular? or Should under 18s be sent to prison if they commit serious crimes? Why/ Why not?

May the force be with you!

sábado, 19 de enero de 2008

Doctor Jeckyll and Mister Hyde

Here we are! The Exam is next Thursday 24th. We will talk more about it on Wed. so you must write a composition after reading the book, telling the differences you have found between the reader and the film.
Do not forget to keeping working on lesson 3, doing the workbook exercices.

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2008

New Year's Resolutions & English Homework

Hello and Happy New Year 2008 again! I suppose yesterday's exams help you to come back to reality. 2nd year of "Batxillerat" is not easy and you have to devote a lot of time to studies. However, do not panic!

My New Year's Resolutions regarding you:

- to make you write comments on "our blog"
- and publish your compositions too
- start practicing with real "selectivitat" Exams
- and let's see, I mustn't forget to maintain trust and dialogue with you.

So, can you write down NOW your New Year's Resolutions regarding your English studies on this post's comments? You know I am very nosy and cheeky, so just for the sake of dialogue, you can write about other areas of your life, New Year's Resolutions about love, family, other studies, future projects and so on. 80 words at least.