lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008

CV- We like what we are like!

Scene II

The wizard: Hello, my little ones! How are you?
You look a little sad today.
Mary: Who are you?
The wizard: I'm a wizard...
John: A wizard!
The wizard: That's right, I'm a wizard and you? Who are you?
Paul: I'm Paul and these are Mary, Claire and John.
The cat: Paul, Mary, Claire and John (meowing)
The wizard: And why are you so sad?
The cat: Why? Why? (meowing)

The wizard: What are you doing over there? Come on, dance and play...
Claire: We can't!
Paul: I've got a face like a pizza.
The cat: Wow, a pizza!
Mary: And I'm too fat.
John: And me, look at my nose. I look like Pinocchio.
The cat: Pinocchio! Pinocchio! (meowing)Gosh!

The wizard: But I can help you, I can cast a spell.
Claire: A spell! Can you really help us? How?
The wizard: Take it easy. I can help you, but you must work for me.
Mary: Work for you, but how? What do we have to do?
The cat: Wait and see...!

The wizard: You do the cooking. You do the housework. You do the shopping and you look after my cat.
The cat: Help! Help!
The wizard: Do you agree?
All: YES!!!
The wizard: But, there is one condition: if you stop working the spell will be broken. OK?
All: OK!!
The wizard: ALAKAZAM
The cat: Wow!
Mary: Brilliant!
Paul: Fantastic!
Claire: Fabolous!
John: Excellent!

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